Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Procedures and invasions

I made an appointment to see the fertility specialist and we arrived feeling quite apprehensive. This was not a place we had ever thought we might end up and we really did not know what to expect. The specialist was wonderful. He had a gentle way of explaining all the different options – and there are many, and he seemed genuinely interested and concerned. I think we both felt quite dumb though at how little we knew about biology! There are so many things that have to happen for conception to take place. I remember that after he had finished explaining all of it to us, I wondered how it was possible that anyone ever has a baby! It is a huge biological process with so many aspects that can go wrong! The specialist decided that a laproscope was in order to get more of an idea what was going on in the factory! I went into the hospital terrified at the prospect of surgery (although a laproscope is a tiny and very standard procedure). When I came round, I was THIRSTY!! So thirsty. I had no pain. I had no interest in what the doc had found. I needed apple juice. Then I needed more apple juice. Eventually I sent my husband to the shop to buy me 2 litres of apple juice as the hospital kept bringing me silly small cups. After my thirst finally subsided, the doctor told me that he had found and removed 2 fibroid cysts and some endometriosis. I was now in perfect condition and would probably be pregnant within weeks. I went home feeling quite positive and with very sore shoulders!! (A side-effect of the surgery)
After a few months, nothing had happened so I went back to the doc to have the fallopian tubes checked. This is a very strange procedure where they pour purple dye into the tubes and watch on an x-ray machine that it runs all the way through the tubes. The doctor and the radiographer were full of jokes and although slightly painful, the procedure was quick and proved that my tubes were not blocked. In some strange way, I remember feeling disappointed. I thought if they could just find something wrong with me, they could at least look at curing it. But according to all the medical people, I was in perfect shape and should have been falling pregnant with ease. It was time to get out the drugs and play hard ball with my body!!

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