Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time for tears and silly mood swings

So...back to those nasty pills called Clomid ......The hormone boost into my body made me crazy.   I suffered terribly from hot flushes and had lots of sudden, tearful outbursts. One night, when I was driving home from work, I missed the off ramp to my house and I had to take the next one. It is only 2km further and really no hassle at all but by the time I got home, I was sobbing. Another time, our dog, Guinness, was lying on the couch with me when my husband came into the lounge. Guinness got up and moved to lie with my husband and I cried because the dog loved him more that it loved me! Luckily, Steve was not one to get easily flustered so he took all of this craziness in his stride. I was advised not to take Clomid for more than 6 months before returning to the doctor and so when that amount of time had passed, I went back to the doc. By now I was beginning to feel a little panicked and a little worried that things might not be all smooth in the future. The doc suggested a sperm test for Steve and finally I felt a bit of relief. The spotlight would be off me and on him just for a while.
He made an appointment with the lab and off he went. When he arrived, there was a hot, young, blonde student who greeted him at reception. (Perfect!!) She gave him a specimen jar and a Garden and Home magazine and sent him down the passage!!! Amazingly, he managed to do the deed and bring back a specimen! Not his favourite memory!!
The results arrived quickly. He had sperm with average mobility. Not really what a man wants to hear. I think that secretly they all want a result that says their sperm can do 400m of butterfly in 20 seconds followed swiftly by an Olympic-style medley! Anyway, after consulting the doctor, he said that “average” is quite good these days and basically means that there are no problems in that department. The doctor then announced that as I had no obvious problems and Steve had no obvious problems, there was no reason why we should not be pregnant. We are what he assured us is very commonly known as “non-specific infertile”. He wrote a referral letter to a fertility specialist and sent us on our way. 
More about all that next time………………….

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on starting your own blog and having the courage to share your story! One thing that literally jumps out at me: How can doctors put you through all sorts of complicated and painful procedures, before they do the one, simple and (presumably :-)) painless test that might shed light on your situation: looking at the man in the picture....
